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Great Sacrifice, Spodumene

SKU: VTT0009 | 6062 Total Views

1 pcs
Classification   Spodumene (Variety.Kunzite)

Location  Bangkok Thailand

Shape  Fancy

Approx. Weight  46.80 Carats

Approx. Dimensions 1.00 x 1.00 x 1.00 mm

Depth Percentage 100.00%

Owner's Description  

Great Sacrifice, Spodumene:

Cut by world master cutter "Mr.Victor Tuzlukov".

The confession has finished, but old parishioner didn’t hurry to leave.

- Father, tell me about sacrifice, please, - he asked.

- Well. There are three men before you. One of them donated all his property for charity and became a monk.  Another one laid down his life to rescue the other person. The third one assumed incrimination in dishonour to save the reputation of his Teacher. Whose sacrifice is greater?

- Certainly life!

- Let’s think together. All of them did worthy actions. But look – one of them deserved honour and respect of his neighbors during his life. The other acquired posthumous fame. The third look the brand of disgrace that would never redeem. He would lose property, as no one would agree to have business with him; he would lose his life, as death is better than life of a scoundrel. He would lose the respect of his descendants, and his trace would lose in oblivion. He would lose everything in his heart impulse to save the other man from dishonour and despair. So, whose sacrifice is greater?

- Thank you, Father, I’ve understood, - the parishioner whispered.


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